Replacement for Z80 and bottom RAM
from Sintech UK
price: 34.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Replacement Microdrive shell
from ZX Renew
price: 19.88 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
A Spectrum ULA replacement with RGB and AY Sound
from vRetro (Charlie Ingley)
price: 46 USD
platforms: Spectrum
ZX Spectrum - RC2014 Bus Interface
from Quazar (Colin Piggot)
price: 26.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Load programs from SD card
from Retro Ready One (Lukasz Kucharuk)
price: 64.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
This little board is intended to substitute the original ZX Spectrum's RF modulator.
from ZX Renew
price: 16.88 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
A 16 bank flash memory card for holding ROM images.
from Quazar (Colin Piggot)
price: 19.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum,SAM
Load games from flash, enjoy AY sound
from lotharek (Przemyslaw Krawczyk)
price: 50.94 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Behaves like an ordinary cassette player, plays digital files from a micro SD card
from arduitape (Duncan Edwards)
price: 30.00 GBP
platforms: ZX80,ZX81,Spectrum,Electron,CPC
Modern lower-power CMOS version, made by Zilog
price: 7.50 GBP
platforms: Spectrum,ZX81,ZX80
Smaller, modern power supply
from Sintech UK
price: 32.95 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Replacement or renewal
from ZX Renew
price: 15.88 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Replica of the original ZX Spectrum 16k/48k keyboard mat
from ZX Renew
price: 15.88 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Use up to two peripherals at the same time.
from divide (Jaroslav Smetak)
price: 11 EUR
platforms: Spectrum
Combination of two interfaces: A standard Kempston Joystick and a AY-Sound output
from Sintech UK
price: 45 GBP
platforms: Spectrum 48k
For many computers including Acorn, Amstrad, Amiga, Apple, Atari, Spectrum, MSX and more
from Simulant Systems Ltd
price: 32.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum,BBC,CPC
Replacement reliable supply for Spectrum or C16
from TFW8b
price: 18 GBP
platforms: Spectrum,C16
A direct replacement for the standard ULA 128
from Zaxon
price: 68.00 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Plug and play with any Spectrum, two SD card sockets, two configurable joystick ports, through edge connector.
from Bytedelight
price: 73.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Works in parallel with internal graphics IC (ULA) taking video data directly and provides crystal clear picture on VGA monitors.
from Sintech UK
price: 59.95 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
Clear HDMI output, compatible with all spectrums
from Bytedelight
price: 68.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
In custom case, with joystick port, black or white, comes with or without card.
from TFW8b
price: from 69.99 GBP
platforms: Spectrum
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