Products by platform > Commodore PET


SD Card drive for Commodore PET

Card storage for the Commodore PET in the style of the 2031-lp disk drive

from TFW8b   price: 120 GBP
platforms: PET

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Commodore PET ROM RAM upgrade / replacement

Plug-in replacement ROM / RAM

from TFW8b   price: 69.99 GBP
platforms: PET

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Modern mass storage solution for Commodore PET

standard SD card storage, optional LCD display. Instead of or alongside floppy disk drives. Makes file sharing between the PET and the PC easy.

from (Dave Stevenson)   price: from 65 GBP
platforms: PET

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SD2PET Future

SD Card storage for the Commodore PET

Plugs directly into PET IEEE-488 port, powered from rear datasette port.

from TFW8b   price: 74.99 GBP
platforms: PET

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Tapuino Reloaded

Datasette emulator

Load tap files via the datasette port.

from Arananet Retro Products (@edu_arana)   price: 28 EUR
platforms: C64,Vic20,PET

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LoadIt Load It

Commodore Datasette mod

Helps tape loading

from Shareware Plus (Tim Harris)   price: poa
platforms: C64,C128,C16,Vic20,Pet

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Stupid PET Tricks


Adds joysticks, sound, wifi to PET

from BIT Zeal (Jim 64)   price: from 22.99 USD
platforms: PET

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PLA Replacement

Fits various commodore computers with jumper configuration

from Individual Computers   price: 22,20 EUR
platforms: C64, PET.C16,Plus4,

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Cbm Universal Tape Emulator

tape-emulator 1530/1531

from Manosoft   price: 49.90 EUR
platforms: Vic20,C64,PET,C128

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